So, yesterday was the one year anniversary of Marnae and I getting sealed (our civil wedding was July 22, 2006, some of you may remember that day, it was 104 degrees in the shade).
We were sealed in the Provo Temple on December 22, 2007. Some of you may remember that day it was negative 20 degrees in the sun. Ask us sometime about that day and Stephen R. Covey. . .
Anyway. . .
I honestly don't know what I would do without Marnae. She is a wonderful person, a terrific mother, and the best wife I could have even imagined. She has a sincere heart, she cares deeply for those around her, and only wants the best for all people.
I love her for what she does for me, how she makes me feel, and that she makes me want to do better. She is the mother of our children and makes our house a home.
She must love me, because she keeps putting up with me and my crazy ways.
And honestly. . . there is no way I could have had such beautiful babies if it weren't for her.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Marnae Mi Vida
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I Love the DMV and by Love I Mean Hate
So, I had to renew my driver’s license (I know, I know those who know me, know my birthday is in September, but my bank said they wouldn’t cash any more of my checks without “current” ID. I mean just because I had a birthday doesn’t mean I am not still David Bake right? Go figure), and here is why people hate the DMV:
I arrive around 2pm this afternoon. Upon entering the DMV, I notice I am one of 4 customers. A sign on the wall says to not stand in the walkway and instructs everyone to take a seat. I sit down. There is a huge electronic sign with the number 828 on it. One person is being helped by a DMVite, DMVeggan, DMV employee, Public Servant, whatever they are called (You have to be careful these days, maybe later I will tell you about my run-in with a prison guard who didn’t like being called a Prison Guard because he had worked so hard at his 6 week course, he had earned the title, Correctional Facilities Officer. I mean hey, a six week course, are they sure they don’t want to be called Doctor?)
Anyway, as I am sitting there, I notice another person is holding what looks like an application and a little number on a tab. I ask him if they are using the big number board, and he says he thinks so, but I can have his number if I want since I was sitting down before him. I said that was okay, but it looks like I have to fill out the same renewal application he is holding. He says that is true, because he got up to the window and they sent him back because he didn’t have the application filled out. So, I asked where the applications are, and he told me they are on a little table near the door, which is the only place that has a sign saying you need the form filled out first. I don’t remember filling out the form last time, but that was over 4 years ago and I have repressed most of the memories of that day. So, if you happen to look the other way as you pass the little table, you miss the importance of said form.
I grab my form and begin to fill it out. Enter the people…lots and lots of people. Suddenly, there were people everywhere. I begin to frantically fill out my form, hoping I can finish it before they call my number so I don’t have to go get a new number. Luckily, people at the DMV take their sweet time when it comes to doing anything. My number is the next to be called, and I am done with my form. This is going to be an easy trip after all.
Suddenly, both DMVeggimites stop what they are doing and huddle in the back corner of the office for a good 15 minutes. Turns out, the credit card processing machine got turned off or reset or something. They had to call the company and get instructions on how to restart the stupid thing. Finally, the male unit turns to the crowd and announces, “We will not be able to process any credit card transactions for at least 35-40 minutes. If you are paying with a credit card, you will have to wait. If you have cash or check, you can stay in line and we will get to you in order by your number.”
Seriously? So, the guy then proceeds to call, “Next Please, number 831.” I motion that I am number 831 but I only have a credit card and will need to run to the bank, (which happens to be on the first floor of the very building we are in).
I run downstairs and get in line at the bank. The time is now 2:45 pm which should be a good time to hit a bank in Provo, UT on a Wednesday. But, then again, this is happening to me, so of course it’s not going to work out that way. There is only one teller and he is helping what looks like a bag lady that has just ordered somewhere in the vicinity of 37 cashier’s checks. I don’t know if Home Shopping Network only accepts cashier’s checks or what, but this lady was seriously carrying a stack about two inches thick and still waiting for more. The poor teller about threw in the towel when she told him he had made one of the checks for the wrong amount.
So, I wait and wait some more. Finally, another teller walks in the door and opens another window. I jump over to him, and that’s when it hits me. . .
I can’t cash my checks, because I don’t have current ID and I can’t get current ID because I can’t cash my check. The irony rolled over me like a wave of warm comforting crap. (Don’t worry, it’s not supposed to make sense) At this point, I could have just taken my ATM card and gone outside and used their outside machine, but I was a bit curious just how this would play out, and dangit it was cold outside.
I tell the guy that I need to cash/deposit a few checks, but I have an issue. I don’t have current ID on me. He starts to tell me how he is not supposed to cash any checks without current ID and especially since my account has already been flagged for cashing other checks without proper ID. (I like to think it’s my smooth way and winning smile that I have somehow convinced tellers to cash checks for me for the past 3 months without a driver’s license, but it’s probably more likely it’s because I have been a customer of this bank since college and they don’t want me to take my accounts elsewhere.) Either way, it’s fun to push the bounds every once in a while.
So, I tell the kid, “Look, I am going to put a lot of money in this David Bake guy’s account. You don’t think he would mind if I took $20 for myself.” He chuckled and said he could give me the money and deposit the checks but JUST THIS TIME.. I agreed and in a few more minutes, I am on my way back upstairs to the DMV.
I get back inside the DMV office and now my luck starts to look up. Turns out, most of the people who had come streaming in before, had the intention of paying with a credit card. The old guy called number after number only to have nobody respond. I only had to wait another 15 minutes or so, to get my second chance at a window. The rest of the ordeal went pretty quickly, the DMVillian was actually pretty nice to me (he may have seen the fire in my eyes from earlier, I am not sure). I got my license renewed in a few minutes and was feeling okay about things, till the old guy took his parting shot at me. . .
“You know,” he said, “it wasn’t 30 seconds after all you people left that the credit card machine started working again…”
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your next trip to the pump...
So you think a gallon of gasoline is expensive? Here are some other things you're getting raked over the coals for:
Diet Snapple, 16 oz $1.29 ... $10.32 per gallon
Lipton Ice Tea, 16 oz $1.19 ... $9.52 per gallon
Gatorade, 20 oz $1.59 ... $10.17 per gallon
Ocean Spray, 16 oz $1.25 ... $10.00 per gallon
Brake Fluid, 12 oz $3.15 ... $33.60 per gallon
Vick's Nyquil, 6 oz $8.35 ... $178.13 per gallon
Pepto Bismol, 4 oz $3.85 ... $123.20 per gallon
Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 ... $25.42 per gallon
Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 ... $84.48 per gallon
And this is the REAL KICKER...
Evian water 9 oz $1.49 ... $21.19 per gallon?! $21.19 for WATER - and the buyers don't even know the source. (Evian spelled backwards is Naive.)
So, the next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on water, Scope, or Whiteout, or heaven forbid, Pepto Bismol or Nyquil.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Just Because This Picture is Too Awesome
Yes, that is Kimberly. I can just see dad off-camera saying, "Just get up there and put your hand on him. He won't hurt you, just put your hand on his leg. Go ahead."
And as you can see, Kimberly is more than happy to comply.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Kimby Always Has So Much Fun - Some Might Say A TON!
I guess I will just let Channel 4 News tell the story:
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Some Days You Just Can't Get Rid of a Bomb
Some days, no matter how pure your intentions may have been, things just don't go at all as planned. This point is illustrated very nicely by our good friend of the greatest philosophers of our time.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How big was your baby at birth?
So, my brother Jared and his wife Larisa recently had a baby. After a week of asking, they finally decided to break the silence about how big he was at birth. They commented on their blog, and I quote, "We forgot to mention that Emmett was 7 lbs. 5 oz, 19 inches long, and is #1 according to Kyser!"
They included this picture of Kyser to which they claim, he was saying his baby brother is #1.
If you look closer, I think Kyser is actually indicating how big his baby brother really is. Take a look at his left hand! No wonder they didn't want to talk about his size. However, Emmett did weigh more than Jared at birth, so I guess that is something.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Chinese Custom Made Suit Debacle More Than it Seems?
So, while in China, my brother purchased a custom made suit for his son. While at first, there seems to have been a grave mistake in the making and/or measuring of the suit. I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg of a much grander conspiracy.
You see, my brother and his son are a crafty couple of peeps. After much thought and research, I think I have discovered what they are up to.
WARNING: If you believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, or think we actually landed on the Moon, you may not want to read what I am about to reveal.
The plan is as follows: Anders will continue to wear his "mistake" Chinese Customer Made Suit every where he goes. Soon, people will get used to him walking around with his short sleeves and not pay much attention to his Mono-color Dream Coat. And that is when the switch will happen.
You see, unbeknownst to most people, Jeff and Anders have been working late nights in their basement for years now, and I believe this suit is just the catalyst to put their plan into effect. I believe they are ready to unleash their master plan on the unsuspecting citizens of Oregon.
From one day to the next Ander's "body double" will begin appearing for him, at school, at basketball games, even at home. The exactness of this body double, and the appearance of the Chinese Suit, will make people none the wiser. Soon, the body double will begin robbing, and pillaging, and sending the money to a secret bank account.
Jeff and Anders will retire to a small island off the coast of South America, and live out the remainder of their days in carefree tropical freedom.
You think this is just a crazy conspiracy theory? I would think so to, if it were not for the photographic evidence I have obtained.
See for yourself. Here is a preliminary test photo Jeff took of "Anders" to see if his own brother and Sister could tell the difference. Just look at Ian's face. I think that he not only doesn't know its not Anders, but he is even more friendly with the body double.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Son of Screaming Aphid Restores Manhood
Let's just get this out of the way first: The Pinewood Derby has never been what you would call a friend of mine. Of my 4 years of eligibility, I only remember two of them. Both were pretty painful; one figuratively, the other literally.
My first Derby resulted in disaster on the track. Dad and I built a car that I was sure was going to win it all. However, the fender we made from a piece of corner bead, hung just a little too low on the bottom of the car. Every race, as my car came down the track into the flat area, the bottom of the car would drag on the track and slow the car down so much, it never crossed the finish line. And I cried.
The only other Derby I remember from Cub Scouts was one in which I tried to build my car all by myself. I was using a coping saw to cut the body of my car into the smoothest, sleekest, fastest design a 9-yr-old could imagine. Instead, I cut clean through my thumbnail, length-wise, giving me a scar on my thumb that I still carry today. And I cried.
Those emotional and physical scars stuck with me into my adult life. I had no hope of redemption. Then, several years ago, as my family gathered for my brother Kevin's wedding, we decided to hold a family Pinewood Derby. Now was my chance to soothe those scars and regain my manhood. But alas, no, the Pinewood fates were still not in my favor. The day of the race, as I was putting my axles into the body of my car, I had cut the body too close to the axle grooves and I broke off the back part of the axle groove. My car, (The Screaming Aphid) would not be able to run that day. And in my heart, I cried.
Now flash forward to today. Henry turned 8 in November, becoming a cub scout, and winning me 4 more years of Pinewood Derby potential. I had another chance to erase the past and awaken a beautiful future. I tried not to act too excited, because I did not want to put any unneeded pressure on an 8 year old to compete in a toy car race, but man I wanted to win.
I asked my brother Jeff for his best pointers, (Jeff has the Pinewood Derby car making thing down to a science). I also read every website ever made by every Pinewood Wacko trying to sell their "how to" guides. These guys are jerks by the way. They almost give you their design plans, but leave out just a few of the key details so you will spend $10-$20 to find out how far their axels are from the back of the car.
So, with every little FREE pinewood tip I could find, I took Henry on a pinewood car body web search. After viewing hundreds of cars, Henry decided which one he wanted. I was glad that he picked a body similar to the one I had made before.
After about a week of cutting, sanding, melting lead, sanding again, painting, sanding, and polishing, we were ready for the 2008 Pack 452 Pinewood Derby. I was anxious to see how our little car would do. Henry named his car Screaming Aphid II. I dubbed him Son of Screaming Aphid.
Well, Son of Screaming Aphid did not disappoint. He won all of his first heats, and was declared the Derby Champion after winning all but one of the Championship heats with the 4 fastest cars. (The final heats involved running the fastest cars on rotating tracks to ensure that each car was given an opportunity to run on each track to rule out the possibility of a faster track being the reason for a single win. Son of Screaming Aphid won all but one of these heats and the one he didn't win he placed second.) And I cried.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Downward Facing Dog
So, Marnae has been teaching Yoga classes a couple of times a week at the church for several months now. One of the poses in Yoga is called Downward Facing Dog. (shown below)
So, one day, out of the blue, Millie decides she has seen enough of this Yoga stuff to do it as well.
This video was taken on Millie's first birthday. I love how she decides to up-the-ante by clapping her hands while in the pose.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A Pod off the Ol' Vine
A quick peek at a little pea-pod off the Ol' Vine.
Here's a few more:Above: Proud mommy and daddy
Left: Millie just had to see what a smaller baby looks like up close.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Star Wars The Lost Episode Trailer
Well, I was browsing the web, and I came across a smuggled trailer from the release of Star Wars The Lost Episode. Apparently there is one last installment in the classic series that has yet to be released. Enjoy...
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Greatest Production of ALL TIME!
People in ancient times often passed through their entire lives and never had the pleasure of witnessing a truly great work of art. It is so rare that a production comes along that has a legitimate chance at winning not only Academy Awards, but also Grammies, MTV music awards, and VH1 music video awards all in a single year.
Luckily, our friends at HaleStone Distribution have miraculously found a way to not only capture the true essence of ancient times, but to mix them with modern culture to honor the past while giving us a glimpse of the future.
When they released Singles Ward, I laughed.
When they released the RM, I scoffed.
But, when they released "The Book of Mormon Movie - Volume 1 - The Journey", I wept tears of joy and sweet sweet victory. For finally, true movie making - dare I say true artistic expression had been achieved.
But wait - The music video from the movie release is even better! There is nothing more for me to say.
All I can do is share with you the Greatest Production of ALL TIME!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Captain Tan Body
So, my sister recently went on a cruise to Puerto Rico. She had a great time dancing, zip lining, snorkeling, having Godfrey bring her desserts etc.. all of her advertures are outlined here: Booze Cruise
On said trip, she met an apparently particularly guapo ship steerer she has dubbed Captain Tan Body. She couldn't say enough about how good-looking and "tanned" this particular individual was, so I asked her to send me a picture.
Apparently, my sister has not been out of Utah very much. I am afraid she has mistaken this guy's "tan" for something else. But regardless, they seem very happy and I hope everything works out between them.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Well, it appears as if there was a mistake made regarding this whole Emu incident. Because of his facial injuries, my brother's speach is somewhat slurred. His wife asked him what would make him feel better and get over his injuries. While he thought he said Emu, his wife heard Elmo and without hesitation ran to the store to see what she could find.
At first, after she returned, my brother was a bit leery. But before long, he really began to appreciate what his wife had bought him, and indeed, it did make him feel better.
Here is the video proof:
Thursday, February 28, 2008
My Brother vs. the Snowboarder
So, my brother sends us an email talking about an incident he recently had on the slopes. Below is his email:
Well, it’s that time of year again to go through my latest ordeal. This time I was an innocent bystander and it wasn’t even my fault…of course that didn’t stop Tami from grounding me, but what can you do.
My story all begins up on the slopes as we took the mutual on a ski trip last Saturday. We all went up to Mt. Hood to ski at Mt. Hood Meadows for night skiing. I spent most of my time with Ian going down one of the smaller slopes and just having a good time with him as Tami took Anders and Ellie up to the widow maker to see how many of the kids she can lose. We then went in to take a break and eat dinner and rest up for the 2nd go around. It was about 7:30 PM or so and we were going to ski until 9:00 and then meet back at the lodge to go home. I had decided to go up on one of the higher runs with a couple of friends of mine. They were both pretty good skiers, but the one was trying snow boarding this time so we were just going to go on a green run that wasn’t too difficult. Rick (snowboarder) was out in front so we could watch him and help if he fell or got into trouble. We had made it about half way down the mountain when he fell so I pulled up to him and stopped to see if he was ok. Then Mark came over and we were waiting for Rick to get back up when I heard a noise and turned just in time to see this snowboarder coming at me at what seemed like 100 miles an hour.
I had absolutely no time to react as all I remember was being hit and then being very disoriented and remembering a weird dragging then hitting and dragging and hitting. I later found out that the dragging was my face on the ice as I had been flipped completely upside down and my body was trying to flip around but my neck and my face were keeping it from completing the flip. I then tried to gather myself and figure out what was happening. My legs were underneath me at a weird angle so I tried to straighten them out so I could lie down flat. My knee was hurting pretty badly and I was worried that I may have really hurt it this time. Rick was asking me how I felt and if I was all right. That is when I lifted my face up off the snow and could see blood dripping onto the snow from my face or head. I soon forgot about my knee and tried to tell how bad I was hurt and where the blood was coming from. At that point I saw the snowboarder laying about 10 feet from me and remember yelling, “What the heck were you doing.” All he could say was that he lost control. I then just laid back down trying to get enough strength to crawl over and strangle him, but Rick was now at my side and was trying to look at me. I also remember the snowboarder asking if he should go get the ski patrol and I guess someone said yes because he took off.
Shortly after that a couple came up to us and she stayed by us as her boyfriend went for help. A couple of minutes later our bishop happened to come skiing up and he also stayed until the ski patrol arrived. They then went through the normal series of questions to see just how loopy I was and if I thought I was Batman or not. She then asked me where I was and I said I am skiing. She asked if I knew which resort and of course I did not, but I can never remember the name of that stupid resort and all that I could think of was New Meadows but that didn’t sound right, so I finally told her that it wouldn’t matter if I was fine or not I would still not know the name. I finally said I was on Mt. Hood and I think it was New Meadows or something. It’s actually Mt. Hood Meadows, but I guess I got close enough that she decided I was just stupid and not really hurt. After that she checked my neck and back because I said that is where it hurt the worse, but since my spinal cord had not been severed she decided that I could go ahead and ride down in the sled. She put her back pack at the front and then had me sit up with my back to the backpack and looking backwards from the way she was going. Next she put a strap the size of a piece of thread around me and started going. She had also given me a big piece of gauze to hold up on my face, so with one hand on the gauze and one hand on the sled we started down the mountain.
We didn’t go far before my neck started to really hurt as I was being thrown around like a bobble head doll at a Blazer game. I had to finally put my hand behind my head so my head wouldn’t fall off. Just then she said that we are going to pick up some speed so we could make it up the next hill…and away we went. There was just no way that I was going to stay inside that little baby sled without any hands so I just left the gauze stuck to my face and my bobble head neck where it was and grabbed on to that sled for dear life; not the best sleigh ride I have taken, that’s for sure. We finally made it back to the lodge, but now they had to take me to the clinic, so they hooked my fun little sled up to a snowmobile and away we went again. Apparently there is a shortage of sleeping gas or something because I figured that they were trying to get me to sleep by using the exhaust from the snow mobile, this time I had to hang on so I wouldn’t slump over and be dragged to my death by a runaway snowmobile, just like in one of Dad’s crazy western movies.
We eventually made it to the clinic and our bishop asked if he should go get Tami. I told him not yet as there wasn’t much that she could do and maybe I could get in one more run before she caught me and the grounding commenced. After he saw the gauze come off and them start to clean my face, he said that it’s probably a good thing that we didn’t get Tami because she didn’t need to see that. The cleaning, or as I like to call it the, torture you until you tell the truth or until we reach the bone faze, was finally done, they let me lay down and relax a bit. Then the bishop took me back to the lodge to wait for everyone and to put me on display for anyone who might wander by. I had several people come over and say that they were sorry and that they hated snowboarders too, while others would turn the corner and gasp. Women were fainting and small children were crying and finally I yelled out, “I am not an animal.” Actually everyone was very nice to me and were getting me things and taking my boots off and making me comfortable. Finally Tami came in I think she just shook her head and laughed and had that, “What Now” look on her face. Ellie came right over and started trying to wipe the blood off my face, which again almost made me give up my name, rank and serial number, until I told her that it wasn’t blood and no matter how hard she scrubbed it wasn’t coming off. Basically I just had a big rug burn on my face, with a few other deeper cuts.
As you can see by the pictures the first night it was pretty red, but now it is starting to scab up a bit but the swelling is worse. It feels like my head is as big as the Jack in the Box guy and it’s hard to keep my one eye open, but I am just lucky that nothing else happened. I am also feeling lucky to have such a great family to take care of me and friends who keep calling to see how I am doing. It looks like I will live after all, but I do keep finding more aches and bruises as the days go on. The only things that hurt now, besides my face and ear are my shoulder, collar bone, shin, back, neck, right hip, left pinkie and right knee and thigh, other than that I am good. And like Ian says, Dad, that would have killed a normal man…how wise he is.
Well, that’s about it for now, I will let you know how things progress, or I will write again in about 6 months when the next episode of the life of Jeff plays out.
To this email, my sister Kimberly replied:
Ha Ha Ha ha hahahahahaha! gosh that is awesome. I almost peed my pants at work when i saw those pics and read your lil story. priceless. the laughter is laughter of love. man i'm sorry! but really, you should get mom to send you some emu oil for the healing effects to rub on your owies :)
Of Course, I had to take the opportunity to reply to Kimby's email, to which I said:
Better than Emu oil, get some of that Emu sausage or Emu hotdogs and rub those on the sores. The pure meat of the Emu allows the healing properties of the world's wonder cure to penetrate directly into the spots that need the most healing. And if you can afford it, let a live Emu lick your face. It's practically an instant cure.
It seems my brother took me seriously, and below is the result:
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Max Giving His Talk to Grandma and Grandpa Selman
Max gave this talk in Primary on Sunday. Later that night, he gave it again to Grandma and Grandpa Selman. If you notice, he is holding his flash cards with him as if he is reading the talk. Although he is starting to read some, we have a bit of a different method for doing church talks for the little guys. Below are pics of what he is reading from.
In his actual talk, as he was talking about the Pearl of Great Price, he was looking at the picture next to the book and couldn't quite remember the word was "Pearl." Instead, he said, the "Pebble of Great Price." It was pretty funny and got a few chuckles from the other adults in the Primary.
As a side note. We had forgotten that Max had his talk until Sunday morning. We wrote these and he memorized them in about 35 minutes before our 9 am Sacrament Meeting.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Elk In Payson
Well, the cold weather and numerous snow storms have caused herds of deer and elk to come down out of the mountains and into the valleys. On a shopping trip to nearby Spanish Fork, Marnae and I discovered a group of 11 bull elk in a nearby field. We raced home, grabbed the cameras and the baby backpack, and headed back to the field to see if our elk were still around.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Jared and Larisa Announce They are Having a Boy!
So, my brother and sister-in-law just announced to the world, they are expecting a baby boy. Seeing as I had just utilized the services of the "What will our baby look like" company. I decided to have then find out what my brother's baby would look like.
I think they will be very happy. I will probably send them the picture as a gift for the baby.
This test came with a few extras, as I am a repeat customer. They also predicted what the baby will become when he grows up.
In this case, there was a 96% certainty that the little fella would start a throw-back 80's hair band.
But What Will Their Kids Look Like?
Soon after the Honeymoon, Marnae and I discovered we were expecting. As we were a little nervous about children, we studied up as much as we could on new babies. We read all the books, from "What to Expect When You Are Expecting" to "The Hidden Emotional Life of Expectant Mothers." After months of daily study, we knew more about babies than Dr. Spock could ever even imagine.
But, one thing still haunted our nights. What would our baby look like? Nothing in the conventional books and study materials even hinted at how you could tell what your bouncing bundle of joy was going to look like. Ultrasounds like Fetal Photos, scared me.
I did not want to see a 5 month old image of Skeletor or Alien-baby looking at me. I needed more.
Besides, most babies all look alike. I wanted to know what our grown child would look like.
After weeks of research and conversations, I discovered a small privately-owned company operating off the coast of South America that could give us the very thing we sought. For only $199.99 we sent blood samples, photos, 3 ounces of body hair, and a half gallon of peanut butter to this company. Within 3 weeks we had the scientifically-guaranteed image of what our baby was going to look like. Now, I am no scientist, but I think the results are pretty dang good. See for yourself!I can hardly wait till our baby grows up. . . .sorry, I got a bit weepy there.
I would recommend this company to anyone. It was well worth the money, and as you can see, its a kind of magic...
Do You Believe in PRE-Mortem Reincarnation?
A long-time controversial subject, pre-mortem reincarnation has been debated by scholars and theologians alike since the creation of man. It wasnt until the "Great Debate" in Cathage, 761 A.D that the topic of premortem reincarnation was finally given its current definition and consignments. It was decided then and still believed today, that each person on earth has 7 identical replicas. However, as the world is so large and as there are 6.5 billion people on it right now, today it is next to impossible to even find one of your identical personages.
That being said, from time to time, miracles do actually occur and premortem reincarnation manifests itself when we least expect it.
And now, it is with great pride that I present to you one actual living case...
If I couldn't see it with my own eyes, I would not believe it either, but the evidence speaks for itself.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Bad Bad Monkey - The Movie
I know I will take heat for this one, but it was just too funny to pass up. I normally don't terrorize my 9-month old baby, but for some reason, she just does NOT like this monkey.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
First Things First - FAMILY
Here are a couple of pictures of Marnae's and my family.
First is a family picture taken with the Selman family. From Left to right ( back -Marnae, Dave, Matt, Mike, Megan - front Henry, David, Elva, Amelia, Max)
This picture was taken on Utah Lake Christmas '07
Next is the Bake Family - Too many to try and name but basically Larry and Barbara are seated in the middle with 10 of their 12 children present with their families.
This picture was taken at Camp Highcliffs in Oregon July of '06