LondonTimes - June 11, 1931
"Lofty" Aires, Duke of Airesborne, Killed In "Attack" Balloon Crash. Relatives brought together to determine the rightful heir.
Pictured from Left to Right:
back row - Lance Sallot (Aaron), Lonsford Glost Aires (Kevin), Evonne B.N. Aires (Emily), Cannon von Babyston (Cannon), Gwendolyn O. Veere (Kimby), Spendwell "Spinner" P. Roppwash (yo), Jeeves (Max)
front row - Tabela M. Cutesy (Mesa), Rogan S. Coudrell (Henry), Damselyne D. Istresse (Rachelle), Melissa C. Lloudbanks (Marnae), Millie Q.T. Memomabs (Amelia)
So, Rachelle found an old "How to Host a Murder" game in their house and convinced us join them for a night of murder, mystery, and mayhem.
We all had a good time finding out who done it until the real murderer couldn't take the pressure any further and finally confessed to killing ole' Lofty.
Kevin especially had a good time when he went upstairs to check on Cannon. After he didn't return, we thought he might have been the murderer's second victim for the night. However, upon further investigation, we found him safe and sound, sleeping next to the crib with Cannon looking down at his sleeping dad.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Duke's Descent
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What Do Babies Have Nightmares About?
I have often asked myself this question. Actually, I usually just wonder at what point babies start dreaming and what those dreams are about. Well, last night, I think I got part of the answer.
I stayed up late last night, I just had to watch the very last Conan O'brien appearance on Late Night. Somewhere around 12am, I heard Millie start to cry in her crib. As I opened the door to her room, I could hear her saying, "Mine, mine, mine" as she cried. I turned the dimmer switch on just enough to see her, and she is sitting up in her crib, pointing in the dark at the floor and says, "My book, mine, my book."
Now, you have to know something about Millie; she loves her books. She will wake up in the morning and if we put a book in her crib the night before, she will sit and "read" that book for 30-45 minutes before she starts to get antsy. One of her favorite books right now is "If you Give a Pig a Party." She calls it her Piggy Book.So, as I ask her what book she is crying about, she says, "Piggy Book, Maxy, Mine." I look on the floor where she is pointing and do not see the Piggy Book. I look on the shelf, and don't see the book there either.
At this point, it crosses my mind that maybe she was having a bad dream. I pick her up and carry her into the living room as she calms down. She begins to relax and says, "Daddy, Piggy Book, mine." I tell her that I couldn't find the piggy book, and she says, "Daddy, Maxy take Piggy Book." She is of course talking about Max who has been downstairs sleeping for the last 3 hours. I tell her that Maxy doesn't have her book, but she insists that "Maxy take Piggy Book." I go back into her room and look under some of the books on the floor and notice the Piggy Book is there. It seemed to confuse her as she insisted that Max had taken her book and yet it was there on the floor.
I can only conclude that she knew the Piggy Book was on the floor when she went to bed and she had a dream that Max had come and taken her precious book. She started crying trying to tell Max the book was hers but nobody was listening. So, it seems the worst nightmare for my 21-month old baby is to have someone steal her books.
Of course, in the morning, she had forgotten all about the Piggy Book and was back to her crazy funny self.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Can You Roll Your Tongue?
So, the other night, I asked the question to the kids, Can you roll your tongue. I grabbed the camera to watch the fun.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Economic Stimulus Package Already Trickling Down
So, while checking my Facebook page I happened to notice the Facebook ads on the right-hand side were all showing something like, "Free Government Money!" and "Get Your Bailout Check"
I thought to myself, maybe Peggy Joseph was right. Maybe the time had come for me to get mine! So, I clicked on the ads - ALL OF THEM.
Who knew that when Peggy Joseph spoke those immortal words, she actually was right on the money.
And speaking of money. . . It's so easy to collect!
Look how these two brothers cashed in!
Man, some guys get all the breaks. I mean these two brothers. . . . . .
hey. . . wait a second . . . . can we see those pictures again?
HOLY COW! That is amazing. Twins. Identical Twins! They are even wearing the same sweater and are sitting against the same background, with the same scar/cowlick at their hairline. One named Jason and the other named Jeff. I love America.
Lets look at that check again.
Oh Deary me oh my! It looks like Jeffrey and Jason got the exact same check. Both checks are made out to Jeffrey Donahue. I wonder if Jason is going to be able to cash his check at all. I mean that would really stink if he would be unable to pay his mortgage or put gas in his car just because the stupid government made his stimulus check out to the wrong person.
Now, some of you might be saying, "Ahh HAH! - This thing could still be real. Maybe the dude's name is Jeffrey Jason Donahue and he was so excited to share his success with the world that when he created two identical websites with different URL's he just didn't mention that his "close" friends call him Jason because when he was in grade school, there was a bully named Jeffrey that also smelled really bad, so to avoid confusion and possible embarrassment, Jeffrey Donahue started going by Jason."
Man, you have put alot of thought into this havent you?
Okay, I can give you that one. But, then how do you explain this guy?
Now, this guy wanted to protect his identity, (you know there are alot of identity thieves out there - you can't be too careful) and rightly so. I wouldn't want just anyone knowing that I had just received a check from the government for $12,739.62. Which just happens to be a very popular amount for gov't checks. Both Jeff and Jason Donahue got checks for the exact same amount. In fact. . .
All three of the checks are the exact same picture.
Okay, I am almost done, but I have to share this one last picture because it just puts the icing on the cake. You may have to click on the picture to see what I am talking about, but besides spelling "government" wrong on most of the hyperlinks, this guy can't even remember how his money was distributed. At Step 2. he says how he received checks for $6500, $5000, and $450 and yet he shows a picture of a check for $12,739.62! Come on, if you are going to try and scam people, at least make it believable. But, I guess the ones who would actually believe this crap would be too dumb to pick up on the problems anyway.
So, what is a lowly American to do? Well, here is a good place for starters. You see, those Facebook ads cost the person placing them money whenever someone else clicks on their link (Some in fact cost them money just for being shown on your page). So, I think it is only American that we show our support for the wonderful entrepreneurial spirit that has brought us these ads.
Click on the Ad. Click it often and click it long. Whenever you see one of these types of ads, go ahead and give it a click. It most likely won't cost this company more if you click the same ad multiple times, but I at least click each one at least once, just to let them know I care. Either way, as soon as their CPM or CPC has been used up with zero response, hopefully these idiots will also go away.
This is the type of crap that needs to be responded to by the social communities. It's not that I am against a company making a buck, but if you really can help people get money, then don't show me the exact same check with 20 different people's names and pictures attached to it. JUST BE HONEST.
I don't expect you to be perfect, but I do expect you to be honest.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of Peggy Joseph's out there that think somebody else is going to
change their situation for them.
But, then again, what do I care, I already got my check.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Top Gun Volleyball
In response to my last post:
"Hey, I think the volleyball scene is more fitting to my body structure and my wife's pleasure."
- Craig
All I have to say is, you know how Hollywood makes people look better than they really are. I have obtained an un-doctored photo taken the same day as the infamous "volleyball scene" was shot. But, if you really want me to help you out, I might be willing to arrange a head swap . . . you make the call.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
A Tribute to Craig. . . sorta
So, Maria liked what I did with my previous post (changing my nephew from a park ranger to a Top Gun). She commented that she would like something like that done for her husband (my cousin) Craig. However, since I just can't seem to bring myself to comply with people's wishes, I thought of a different way of paying tribute to Craig. . . if you knew Craig growing up, I think you will find my tribute fitting.
But, to ensure Craig and Maria talk to me the next time I visit Idaho. . .