Friday, March 14, 2008

The Greatest Production of ALL TIME!

People in ancient times often passed through their entire lives and never had the pleasure of witnessing a truly great work of art. It is so rare that a production comes along that has a legitimate chance at winning not only Academy Awards, but also Grammies, MTV music awards, and VH1 music video awards all in a single year.

Luckily, our friends at HaleStone Distribution have miraculously found a way to not only capture the true essence of ancient times, but to mix them with modern culture to honor the past while giving us a glimpse of the future.

When they released Singles Ward, I laughed.

When they released the RM, I scoffed.

But, when they released "The Book of Mormon Movie - Volume 1 - The Journey", I wept tears of joy and sweet sweet victory. For finally, true movie making - dare I say true artistic expression had been achieved.

But wait - The music video from the movie release is even better! There is nothing more for me to say.

All I can do is share with you the Greatest Production of ALL TIME!


Marnae said...

You will forever and always be the oddest most awesomest man I will ever love.

Kim said...

HOLY WHAT???!!! That was hysterical! My roommie and i laughed and laughed and laughed our heads fav was the freaking city of compton hand gestures at the end...gosh...well done...well done.